Mar 30, 2011
Mar 29, 2011
Mar 27, 2011
Mar 26, 2011
Mar 24, 2011
Mar 23, 2011
Mar 22, 2011
Mar 18, 2011

Mar 17, 2011
Sun Moon Lake By Charles60501 Wayne60506 60104William 51621jenny
Many have heard of Guang-hua Island. but only few people realize that the rest of the island. now covered with water, once stood tall lake a pyramid. The base of this pyramid was once encircled by a clustered village of thao indigenous people.
Many people like to observe nature, but few people know about the many nature trails at Sun Moon Lake. If you're not careful, you may find yourself walking past jade colored cicadas with fresh new wings as they silently come out of molting by the trail side.
many have heard of the thao indigenous people's harvest dance where they celebrate the year's harvest while they pound grain, but only few know that while superstitious Han people spend the seventh lunar month( the ghost month) cautiously waiting for the night when the ghost's door closes, on that very night the thao pound grain and sing to sunmoon the spirits of their ancestors.
Mar 16, 2011
任務清單60104William 60501Charles 60506Wayne 51621jenny
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60130Jessie 60118Peggy 51419Angel 51622Betty 51220Phoebe 51219Wendy
by 60120 Annie. Kelly 60525. Kelly60527. Wendy50129. Wing50321.

Mar 15, 2011
601william605wayne 60501charles51621jenny
Sun Moon Lake.
The Sun Moon Lake is in Taiwan ,Nantou(南投),it’s a fantastic sight in Taiwan. It’s beautiful scene which is very famous. In the morning,fog is all around the lake,so many people from the hotel which are around the lake will come to enjoy this beautiful place.
You might be curious ,why is it called “Sun Moon Lake”?
A long time ago ,there’s an aboriginal group called “Shao” .One day, some people are hunting,suddenly they saw a white deer ,they want to caught it but the deer ran really fast.Those people are chasing behind the deer . After that ,they suddenly saw a lake,they love this lake ,so they called all their group’s people come and live there .
But it is not always smooth going. There’s a dragon in the lake ,and the dragon got the sun and the moon ,the dragon was playing the sun and the moon , it’s dark outside .A brave .young couple want to get the sun and the moon . the couple got a gold sissers and a gold ax from a old man ,the couple kill the dragonand finally got those things.
Today the aboriginal group is still living around the lake.
Also ,there have gondolas now,if you had a chance to Sun Moon Lake,make sure have a lot of fun!
Mar 14, 2011
607-18 Cindy 605-02 Brian 502-29 Kelly 502-34 Catherine 516-17 April 516-27 Joyce EDA amusement

E-DA World is a famous,large place of Taiwan.It has good installment and many interesting rides: observation wheel,bumper car,water ride,roller coaster......,then it has the biggest shopping mall in Kaohsiung. You can live in their by hotel or buy your own land to build your house from E-DA. And E-DA World have some characters: Dianna,Apollo,Donkey,Da-e and Dain Dain.They are mascots of E-DA.
E-DA Theme Park
In E-DA, there is a located
theme park in Kaohsing. The E-DA Theme Park is the only Greek style amusement park in Taiwan. The Greek style building is fascinating. E-DA Theme Park is divide into three groups, Acropolis, Santorini Mountain City, Trojan castle. The theme park has many amusement facility, includesBooster, Ferris Wheel, Jungle Jack, Flume Ride, Big Air, Pirate Ship, Roof Junior Coaster, Swinger....... The E-DA Ferris Wheel is the highest ferris wheel in Taiwan. The Roof Junior Coaster is also the highest roller coaster in Taiwan. In my opinion, the Big Air is the best facility in E-DA. It is the only one in Asia, and it is really rare in the world.
- Ferris Wheel :It's the diameter of ninety.Has air conditioner in a railway.
- Parade:There have two parades in E-DA.One is in the morning, another one is at night.It's about the characters and twelve constellations.
E-DA Amusement
This is the E D A amusement, a new landmark inKaohsiung.It's in a mountain and at sea level 123m.It has many new brands ,stores and creativiesbe given very young likes.
E-DA WORLD'S LANDE-DA World has a lot of lands you can buy it. It has farmlands,cottages......,any you want to buy.It's the characteristic for E-DA World,you can try to see their lands.
Mar 13, 2011
601-30 Jessie & 601-18 Peggy 512-19 Wendy, 512-20 Phoebe, 516-22 Betty, 514-19 Angel
Mar 12, 2011
By Charlie&First&Steven&Gordon&Jeff

Mar 11, 2011
Mar 10, 2011
Mar 9, 2011

Attractions- to do list
2. 標題寫每個組員的班級與名字。
3. 標籤寫FS-Taiwan Attractions
4. 若有同樣主題,俐縈老師會做個別通知。
4. 接獲通知的組別,請組長與組員討論後,組長將主題跟俐縈老師說(分機856),或到一樓新圖書館找,俐縈老師會將更改後的主題上傳。
4. 星期五下午請約時間討論、分工。
5. 星期六、日利用時間找資料。
6. 星期一時再相約,資料整合後於星期一晚上上傳完畢。
註:1. 上述時間若與你們組別不符時,請自行調整,星期三時不要又一堆理由。
2. 組長要確實做好溝通與協調 , 組員也要主動詢問進度。
Mar 8, 2011
601-30 Jessie & 601-18 Peggy 512-19 Wendy, 512-20 Phoebe, 516-22 Betty, 514-19 Angel
The Chinese Zodiac, is a scheme that relates each year to an animal and its reputed attributes, according to a 12-year cycle.
Identifying this scheme using the term "zodiac" reflects several similarities to the Western zodiac: both have time cycles divided into 12 parts, each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a culture of attributing influence of a person's relationship to the cycle upon their personality and/or events in their life.

Should marry
with: Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Shouldn’t be
equipped with: Horse, Rabbit, Goat

Should marry with: Rat, Snake, Rooster
Shouldn’t be equipped with: Horse, Goat, Dog

Should marry with: Horse, Dog
Shouldn’t be equipped with:

Should marry with: Goat, Dog, Pig
Shouldn't be equipped with: Dragon, Rat

Should marry with: Rat, Monkey, Rooster
Shouldn’t be equipped with:
Dog, Rabbit
Should marry with: Ox, Rooster
Shouldn’t be equippe
d with: Pig,
Should marry with: tiger, goat,
Shouldn’t marry with : mouse, oxen, rabbit, horse
marry with: rabbit , horse , pig
Shouldn’t marry with: mouse, oxen, dog
Should marry with :mouse, dragon
Shouldn’t marry with: tiger ,snake, pig
Should marry with: oxen, dragon, snake
Shouldn’t marry with: rabbit, rooster, dog
Should marry with: tiger, rabbit, horse
Shouldn’t marry with: oxen, dragon, goat, rooster
Pigs:Should marry with: goat, rabbit
Shouldn’t marry with: snake, pig, monkey
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字