Oct 20, 2010

Ms. Addington

Dear Class in Taiwan,
We enjoyed learning about your lives. We can't wait to respond to your autobiographies. How often do you check the blog site? We would like to write to you starting tomorrow.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity,
Ms. Addington


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

Your favorite Russian Festivals