Dec 2, 2010

By Ms. Addington's students

Dear William:
It's all right that you don't ride roller coasters. Sometimes I get scared too. I also like your favorite song. I listen to it all the time. My favorite song is Revolution by the Beatles. I love rock and roll. The Beatles are also my favorite band. Hey! Did you know I have a twin? It means I have a brother who has the same birthday as me! I think it is crazy. My hobbies are to read and build with legos. They are cool building blocks that you can make ships and cars. I think they are really cool. It would be cool to meet you! Maybe we could Skype.

Dear Annie:
Hello, I can't believe that we both have dogs. What type of dog do you have? I have boxers. One is a girl and one is a boy. The boy's name is Zack and the girl's name is Shasta. I got Zack when I was 18 months and Shasta when I was 5 years old. I got them for Christmas and I love them so much. I hope to have them for ever.

Dear Jessie and Peggy:

Thank you for sending me those letters. It is ok that you don't want to be a teacher. Everyone is different and we can't all be the same. I also hope you like pets. I just think they are adorable. I don't have a pet but if I could I would have a puppy. I like puppies because they are so cuddly unlike my little sister. She looks cute but she really isn't. I am writing a speech to tell the truth about my sister. Everyone thinks she is cute and innocent but she really isn't. Ok enough about my sister, my favorite subject is reading. The book I'm reading right now is Sent. You would like this book because it is about an adventure. What do you like to read?
I hope to hear from you soon


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

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