Dec 11, 2010

By Phoebe51220 Wendy51219 Selina51221 April51617 Angel51419

Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. The festival occurs on the fifth day of May on the Chinese calendar. Dragon Boat Festival is a holiday to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a famous poet from ancient China. He was a wise man and his loyalty to his country never wavered. He knew how to do is better to the country but the sovereign didn’t think so. Qu Yuan felt dejected. He composed some poem to express his anger and sorrow towards his sovereign. In the year 278 BC, the fifth day of May, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Milou River. Every year on May 5th people will throw some special food called Zonzgi into the river. They wish the fish in the river will eat Zonzgi instead of Qu Yuan’s body.
Zonzgi is a special Chinese food. It makes from some rice, meat, mushrooms…… covered  with  leaves.
 Another activity we’ll do on Dragon Boat Festival is Dragon Boat race.People think that this activity can drive out the fish for trying to eat Qu Yuan’s body.


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