Dec 7, 2010

Festivals and special occasions from 9R--Part 2
Maslenitsa also known as Butter week, Pancakes week or Cheesefare week is a Russian religious and folk festival. Maslenitsa is a sun festival celebrating the imminent end of the winter. Maslenitsa is the last week before the onset of Great lent. During lent meat, fish, dairy products and eggs are forbidden. Furthermore lent also excludes parties, secular music, dancing and other distractions of the spiritual life. The most characteristic food of the Maslenitsa is bliny (Russian pancakes), which symbolize the sun. Round and golden they are made from rich food: butter, eggs and milk. We eat them with caviar, mushrooms and sour cream. Maslenitsaalso includes masquerades, snowball fights, sledding, riding on swings and plenty of sleigh rides. There is usually a brightly dressed straw effigy of Lady Maslenitsa. The last day of Cheesefare week is called “Forgiveness Sunday” indicating the desire for God’s forgiveness that lies at the heart of the great lent. Bonfires will be lit and a straw effigy of Lady Maslenitsa will be burnt to say farewell to winter. The most positive moment is that if you visit this festival you will see the most beautiful side of Russian culture and people. Everyone will be in good mood and smiling. People are tired and happy.

My birthday
I was born on the 25th of July 1995. I celebrate my birthday every year but in a new place. Preparation starts on the 24th of July. I and my family clean the house and throw away unwanted things. My mother always cooks meals and special dishes. She also bakes a special tasty cake called “Cherepaha” (Tortoise) to share with family and friends on the big day. My father buys products and I help parents. On the day of birthday I always turn on music and invite friends and relatives to our house. We eat, dance and play festive games. I receive gifts and cards. Someone take pictures and everyone toasts. At the end of dinner mum turns off the lights and brings a cake. I blow out candles and everyone says “Happy birthday!” or “Many happy returns”! After that we watch a stunning fireworks display which is the icing on the cake.
Birthday is certainly a great celebration. I always feel happy, enthusiastic, excited and super to be with friends and family and I look forward to a good year full of success.

Anna Grigor’eva

Children's day
Every year on the first of June there is the day of children’s protection. This holiday raises money for local charities and the most needing children. Also there are concerts and other activities. You can get entertained and merry on those concerts. There are many entertaining competitions too. They include, for example, drawing on asphalt or singing songs. Besides, there are sports competitions as well. In squares you can see many colourful balloons and performances for children. In the evening there are huge fireworks displays.

My birthday
Birthday is a wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. I was born on the 23rd of August. August is a summer month and the weather is usually warm.
In the morning my parents come to my room to wish me happy birthday. Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. My mother bakes a cake or a pie. I make some salads. We have tasty dinner with the guests and at the end I blow out the candles. We play games, laugh, and tell jokes and funny stories. Everyone feels tired but happy! I think my birthday is the best day.

Nastya Bykova

I want to tell you about the festival under the name “The ball of Cinderella”. This festival is held every year in school-gymnasium N 6. Only girls participate in it. Organizers give them different tasks and competitions. Girls in turn show their talents. In the end audience chose the best Cinderella in their opinion.

My birthday
My favourite holiday is my birthday. I invite a lot of friends and cook a lot of tasty things. My last birthday party was on the 13th of July. It was summer and we went to the forest for a picnic. I invited 5 friends. We ate potatoes and fresh vegetables, danced and played different games. We made a fire and had a great fun. Then we went home and made a tea party with cakes, juice and sweets. Then me, my mother and friends went to the café “Madagaskar”. I will never forget that day!

Anna Shandrovskaya

Maslenitsa is a Russian traditional funny festival which tales place around the end of February and celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The whole week all the festival-goers eat pancakes which symbolize the sun. People eat pancakes with homey, butter, fish etc. At the end of the festival there is a big bon-fire to say good-bye to winter. People burn a scarecrow of winter on it.

My birthday
I was born on the 24th of January. This year I woke up early in the morning and was very happy. I helped mum to make some salads and lay the table. At 3 o’clock I dressed up. It was time to welcome my guests. The party was a great success. Everyone said that they enjoyed the party very much! Everyone felt pleased, happy and joyful!


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

Your favorite Russian Festivals