Mar 8, 2011

Chinese Zodiac 601-30 Jessie & 601-18 Peggy 512-19 Wendy, 512-20 Phoebe, 516-22 Betty, 514-19 Angel

The Story of the Chinese Zodiac

The Story of the Chinese Zodiac
Long time ago,
Because most people always forgot in which year they were born.
Also could not always figure out exactly how old they were?
So, the Jade Emperor came up an idea.
He felt that it is too difficult to remember which year this year is,
But, it would be easier for us to call out by the names of animals.
Then, only have to pick up 12 animals to represent the different years,
It will take care of the problems.
The Jade Emperor asked the Earth God to inform all the animals about this news,
That, there will be a contest,
In this contest, 12 animals will be picked for the twelve signs of the zodiac.
The news posted as :
"All animals are welcomed to compete.
The first twelve across the finish line will be chosen as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
After the announcement was made, all the animals got very excited.
Everybody all noisily discussed this event.
The rat and the cat were very good old friends.
So they met to discuss this event.
The rat said: "We can't swim. How are we going to cross the river?
The cat said: "Let work together with the ox.
We can point the way for him, and he can carry us across."
The cat and the rat went to ox together,
After listened, the ox agreed to do so right away.
The very early morning of the day of contest,
The ox, the cat, and the rat were already on the bank of the river.
The ox stooped down to let the cat and the rat climb onto his back,
After that, they started across the river.
The cat liked to take a nap, on top of that, he also got up very early that morning,
So, the cat fell to asleep as soon as he got to the back of ox.
The rat was very eager to win the first place.
When the ox was a few seconds away from the opposite bank of the river, the rat shoved the cat into the water.
Then scampered himself into one of the ox's ears.
The ox worked very hard of swimming, did not pay attention to what happened,
He just heard the rat's hollering:
"Big brother Ox, Go! Go! We are almost there!"
As soon as the ox climbed up the shore, he gleefully advanced toward the finish line.
At that moment, the rat run out of the ox's ear suddenly,
The rat rushed to the finish line to win the first place.
The ox, after worked so hard, only got the second place.
Did not have to say it, of course, the ox was very furious.
This is why the ox has glared at the rat with his enormous eyes.
After a while, the tiger who was soaking wet all over arrived.
He said with confidence: "I'm the first!"
"No, you are the third," proclaimed the Jade Emperor.
At that moment, a whirlwind twisted in the sky,
It is the dragon descended toward the finish line.
At this moment, the rabbit jumped ahead and took the fourth place.
The rabbit could not swim but to jump all the way down.
He had to across the river by jumping on the backs of the other animals.
The Jade Emperor asked the dragon:
"You flew. Why did you arrive so late?"
The dragon had gone to the South China Sea to host a rainmaking ceremony,
After that, he rushed back in a hurry from there, that was why he was late.
The pounding of hoarse was heard, and the sky was filled with flying dust.
It was the horse running at the front and was just about to cross the finish line.
Suddenly, the snake shot through the thick patches of grass, and got the sixth.
The snake had legs originally.
But because he raced so hard this time, he ran his legs off.
Originally, the horse was very bold and brave.
Being frightened by the snake this time, he became very timid.
The goat, the monkey, and the rooster found a log together,
They worked together, rowed ashore on the log. As a result, they got the eighth, ninth and tenth place respectively.
The goat sat at the front of the log to guide them.
Because he strained his eyes for the direction, his eyesight became quite nearsighted.
The monkey sat on top of the log too long, that his buttocks were swollen and red.
The rooster had four legs originally.
But when he was climbing ashore, two of his legs were broken off by the log.
That is why the rooster has only two legs now.
Here came the dog.
He was a playful fellow.
As he crossed the river, he had such a good time in the water that he forgot about the time.
Now, there was only one opening left.
All the animals stretched their necks to see who was coming.
Here came the pig.
He arrived covered with sweat from head to toes. Loudly said:
"I'm starving. I'm dying because that.
Is there anything good to eat?"
The race was over. The Jade Emperor announced the 12 animals in the zodiac.
The rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, and pig.
At that moment, the dripping wet cat finally arrived.
He asked in a hurry: "What is my place?"
"You came in the thirteenth." replied the Jade Emperor.
The cat was very angry. Every one of his whiskers stood up.
He said: "How dare you are, the rat! I won't let you go for sure!
After he said so, he ran toward the rat madly.
The rat was so scared and ran under the Jade Emperor's throne.
But the cat slapped the rat across the face and knocked out all of his teeth.
Although the rat won the first place,
But from that day, the rat had been scared day and night.
Afraid of the cat will find him.
Till now, as soon as sees the cat's shadow, the rat runs like mad.
Even in the daylight, he hides in a hole, not daring to show his face.


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

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