Mar 17, 2011

Sun Moon Lake By Charles60501 Wayne60506 60104William 51621jenny

old name for Sun Moon Lake was "Where water and sand meet". Can you imagine what this immense stretch of deep blue-green water looked like in earlier times when it was a shallow marsh covered with vibrant green water plants? According to historical records. before you stand today.

Many have heard of Guang-hua Island. but only few people realize that the rest of the island. now covered with water, once stood tall lake a pyramid. The base of this pyramid was once encircled by a clustered village of thao indigenous people.

Many people like to observe nature, but few people know about the many nature trails at Sun Moon Lake. If you're not careful, you may find yourself walking past jade colored cicadas with fresh new wings as they silently come out of molting by the trail side.

many have heard of the thao indigenous people's harvest dance where they celebrate the year's harvest while they pound grain, but only few know that while superstitious Han people spend the seventh lunar month( the ghost month) cautiously waiting for the night when the ghost's door closes, on that very night the thao pound grain and sing to sunmoon the spirits of their ancestors.


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