Dec 29, 2010

Children's day

New Year

Victory Day

Dec 22, 2010

Answers from Russian Friend

to Phoebe51220

I am Oleg. My favourite food is pizza.

to 60118Peggy

I am Oleg. In my school there are about1000 pupils and 100 teachers.

to Wendy50129

I am Oleg. I live in Russia, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok. It is in Siberia.

alyosya Alyona Kokorina
Yes, my school has got many traditions: every year we have competition "I'm citizen of Russia", “Two stars”, “The ball of the queens” etc. At the end of year we have "Carnival" and some other interesting traditions.

Hi Cecilia50721
I am Sergey. The winter months in my country are December, January and February. But we have snow from November till April.


I am Katya.
Yes, our school is very big. It has 4 floors.

Дашуня   Dasha

Helloy . My name is Dasha Primanchuk .I'm 11 years
old. I'll answer your question. In my class there are 27 pupils.*)

to Jeff51509

Helloy. My names is Sasha. My school name is school-gymnasium  № 6 "Ermine"
Alyona Kovtun

To 60120 Annie

In my free time I like to read, sleep and play computer games.

Anna Kuz’mina

 To william60104

Hi William! I’m Ann. Yes, we have seen “Harry Porter 7”! And we have seen “Charley and chocolate factory”. This is a very interesting film.

Dec 21, 2010


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

Dec 18, 2010

By Steven 60708

Winter Solstice Festival
The Winter Solstice Festival is celebrated by many Eastern Asians. It's around December 22, when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun.
On the Winter Solstice Festival, we eat "Tang Yuans" (湯圓)or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize family unity and prosperity. They come in pink and white.
The pink ones mean happy events or weddings.
Eating "Tang Yuans" also symbolizes one becoming one year older and more mature.

(Photo by Steven)

Dec 16, 2010

By60120 Annie.60118 Peggy.60130 Jessie.60104William.

Chinese New Year is the oldest and the most important traditional Chinese
Our Next Chinese New Year is will be on February 3, 2011.
We will have some Red envelopes, or some fireworks.
In the Gregorian calendar, Chinese New Year falls on different dates each year,
usually between January 21 and February 20.
Markets will be set up when the New Year was is approaching.
These they are usually open for sky markets feature
new year related products, such as flowers, toys, clothing, and even fireworks.
It is convenient for people to buy gifts for their new year visits ,and their home decoration.
In some places, the shopping is for a perfect plum tree. but we are not.


Each firecracker is rolled up in red papers, as red is auspicious.Once
ignited, the firecracker lets out a loud popping noise and, as they are usually strung together by the hundreds, the firecrackers are known for their deafeningexplosions that are thought to scare away evil spirits.(See also Myths above.)
The burning of firecrackers also signifies a joyful time of year and has become an integral aspect of Chinese New Year celebrations.

Clothing From:

Clothing mainly featuring the color is red or bright.
In The Chinese New Year,people believe the red color will scare away evil spirits and bad fortune.
In addition, people typically wear new clothes from head to toe to symbolize a new
beginning in the new year. Wearing new clothes also symbolizes having more than
enough things to use and wear in the new year.



Abundant blessing year after year!
On Chinese New Year's Eve, each family has a reunion. We frequently have fish for dinner because the word“fish”in Chinese sounds the same as the word“extra.”

Rice cake.From:

Kitchen God, please say something good about me!!
Why do we eat rice cake on Chinese New Year?
In Chinese culture,we have a kitchen god.
The kitchen god will observe our deeds,
and tell the Jade emperor.
So we will sacrifice some Chinese dessert ( such as rice cake) for the kitchen god,
and to make the god happy,then it will say something good about us to the Jade emperor!!

Long new year's dish.
This kind of the vegetables dish is
behalf means longevity long life, and safe and well.
So we will eat some long new year's dish on Chinese New Year.
When we eat it, we don't gnaw it.
If we gnaw it,it will be shortened,then it will not stands for the longevity any more.

We love Chinese New Year!!

by 60120 Annie. 60118 Peggy. 60130 Jessie. 60104 William.

Chinese New Year is a special holiday in Chinese culture.

Dec 14, 2010


Do you like to play basketball with your friend?


In Taiwan, our famous festival is NEW YEAR.

How do we celebrate the New Year?

In New Year, we eat fish, sweet oranges, lunar new year's cake, spring rice......

We also take some money get lucky money from our parents, grandparents and relatives in Chinese New Year. We will cook dinner, and then all of our relativeswill come and eat together.

Things you need to know

1. Use search engines well.
* type in the right key words.
* understand the information before you use it.
* find photos.
* Chinese helps, too.

Ex.: stories of how moon cakes were invented

2. Go to libraries.
* books on holidays.

Moon Festival byMark50703,Jeff51509,Tim51303 and Gordan51314


Our country has a traditional holiday.It is called Moon Festival. On Moon festival we eat a special food,it is Moon Cake. A moon cake looks like a moon. We eat moon cake on Moon Festival because there is a story about it.A long time ago,there was a emperor who was very mean to every body.A person wanted to kill him. So he told everyone to buy the moon cakes and he put many papers in many mooncakes.When everyone ate the moon cakes,they saw the paper.The words on the paper said:「We will kill the emperor tonight.」So when the emperor was sleeping,everyone went in and killed the emperor.That's why we eat moon cakes on Moon Festival.

Foods Taiwaness eats in Dragon Boat Festival.By Tim51303 and Gordan51314

Dragon Boat Festival is about a great poet,his(His) name is(is) Qu Yuan. He is Warring states time Chu country people(
was a scholar and minister in Chu during the Warring States Period).He jumps into a river to suicide, because he is not successful.
The common peoples make rice dumplings and throw them into river,(.)
t(T)hey think they do this(what they do) can make fishes and shrimps not eat Qu Yuan's corpse!
This is rice dumplings causes(why we eat rice dumplings on Dragon Boat Festival).
Thanks for read(reading), bye!




In Taiwan , In New Year we have a big member

with our familyand cousin . It's called "family reunion

dinner " and we will eat a hot pot and children

will get hong bao. At night, we have to put the hong bao under the pillow.

Then we are sitting around the table. It means reunion and good luck.

On that day ,we will wear new colthes and pants

because new year is coming.

this is our article thank you for watching!!!




Dec 13, 2010

60104william 60118 peggy 60130jessie 60120 annie

Chinese New Year is most important of the traditional Chinese holidays.
e New Year is on (the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar). We can have some Red envelopes(lucky money in red envelopes), or we can have some firecrackers
In the Gregorian calendar, Chinese New Year falls on different dates each year, a date usually between January 21 and February 20.
Markets or village fairs are set up as the New Year is approaching. These usually open-air markets feature new year related products such as flowers, toys, clothing, and even fireworks. It is convenient for people to buy gifts for their new year visits as well as their home decoration. In some places, the practice of shopping for the perfect plum tree is not dissimilar to the Western tradition of buying a Christmas tree.
Each firecracker is rolled up in red papers, red is auspicious for chiniese, with gunpowder in its core.
Clothing mainly featuring the colour red or bright colors is commonly worn throughout the Chinese New Year because red will scare away evil spirits and bad fortune. In addition, people typically wear new clothes from head to toe to symbolize a new beginning in the new year. Wearing new clothes also symbolizes having more than enough things to use and wear in the new year.

data source:

Data source:

60104william 60118 peggy

Tomb Sweeping Day's pitcher by 50234 Catherine 50319 Jesia 50321wing 50Cecilia Vicky

Dec 12, 2010

Chinese New Year by 60104 William\60118 Peggy\60120 Annie\60130 Jessie

Chinese New Year is celebrated each year in February according to the lunar calender(Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar).In this holiday(During the Chinese New Year),everyone will eats dinner with their family and they will eat better than usual. Why does everyone eat better in the Chinese New Year ?
Because all of the family members will get together to celebrate the new year and they will eat a very delicious dinner on New Year's Eve.  During the Chinese New Year, people wear new clothes means a new beginning in the new year.  I think this holiday is very great.When it is coming(comes),I will feel very excited and happy and I will feel really satisfied after this holiday.

Jessie, you did a wonderful job. You had your own reflection about Chinese New Year at the end of your work. 

Dec 11, 2010


Is your school carbon reduction in the implementation?

By Phoebe51220 Wendy51219 Selina51221 April51617 Angel51419

Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. The festival occurs on the fifth day of May on the Chinese calendar. Dragon Boat Festival is a holiday to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a famous poet from ancient China. He was a wise man and his loyalty to his country never wavered. He knew how to do is better to the country but the sovereign didn’t think so. Qu Yuan felt dejected. He composed some poem to express his anger and sorrow towards his sovereign. In the year 278 BC, the fifth day of May, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Milou River. Every year on May 5th people will throw some special food called Zonzgi into the river. They wish the fish in the river will eat Zonzgi instead of Qu Yuan’s body.
Zonzgi is a special Chinese food. It makes from some rice, meat, mushrooms…… covered  with  leaves.
 Another activity we’ll do on Dragon Boat Festival is Dragon Boat race.People think that this activity can drive out the fish for trying to eat Qu Yuan’s body.

By First By Wayne By Charles By Brian

描述節慶時請根據上課所提到的What When Where Who Why How 來描述
In Taiwan, we have In addition to flowers light activity(?) and famous Taipei Lantern Festival, Taiwan Lantern Festival, Kaohsiung Lantern Festival, there are flat North Township(?), Taipei County, Taiwan, and sky lantern activities. Other, In Taiwan, Miaoli City is the famous "Miaoli front of a fire dragon". Miaoli front of a fire dragon refers to the fireworks, firecrackers fried dragon manner "to the evil New Year" role. Salt water in the town of Tainan, there are the famous "salt firecrackers." In Taitung City, there are in firecrackers fried praying God of Wealth: "Taitung Lantern fried Handan."(?)

親愛的605帥哥們: 請根據上課所提到的What When Where Who Why How 來描述節慶。 加油,你們一定可以做得更好。

By Charles60501 Brian60502 First60503 Wayne60506


The 15th night of the first lunar month is the first night of a full moon, hence it is also known as the Yuanxiao Festival. In Chinese, yuan means beginnings and the first. This full-moon night is also known as a Lover's Festival. On this day, the family will come together to eat tanyuan which symbolizes completeness and happiness. It carries the same significance as the reunion dinner. This night is therefore also known as a minor Lunar New Year. It is generally accepted that this night marks the end of the Lunar New Year festivities.Lantern Festival is a Chinas traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year. Lantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China . Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.

Dec 9, 2010

Tomb-Sweeping-Day by50234Catherine,50319Jessica,50321Wing,50721Cecilia,51320Vicky

Tomb Sweeping Day,customs, according to legend, have been for thousands of years, but many customs in Taiwan have gradually been neglected. Tomb Sweeping Day still well receives great importance. After sweeping their ancestors' tombs, The whole family travel together to enjoy the spring sunshine and shar the love between grandchildren. Tomb Sweeping Day has become an important festival. Food treated on Tomb Sweeping Day differs from places to places. In Tawan, in old days people have no time to prepare offerings, so some people find a way : "PUT ALL THE FOOD INTO THE DOUGH." In Taiwan, the most traditional food is "spring rolls". On Tomb Sweeping Day, people worshiping their ancestors and nature, show people's virtue.

Spring Rolls

Dec 8, 2010


How old is your teacher?


In Taiwan,our famous snack is Oyster thin noodles .
How about you?
What is your famous snack in your country?
Which place is fun in your country?

by Kelly 60527

I have some questions for you
In Taiwan"喜羊羊與灰Jielun" is our famous star .
How about you
What is your famous star and program


In Taiwan we have summer vacation and winter vacation,
Do you have summer vacation? winter vacation?


Are there any university in your city?


I went to Sun-Moon Lake last spring . It is a beautiful scenic spot . Have you ever gone there? I think that you should go there .

Dec 7, 2010

Festivals and special occasions from 9R--Part 2
Maslenitsa also known as Butter week, Pancakes week or Cheesefare week is a Russian religious and folk festival. Maslenitsa is a sun festival celebrating the imminent end of the winter. Maslenitsa is the last week before the onset of Great lent. During lent meat, fish, dairy products and eggs are forbidden. Furthermore lent also excludes parties, secular music, dancing and other distractions of the spiritual life. The most characteristic food of the Maslenitsa is bliny (Russian pancakes), which symbolize the sun. Round and golden they are made from rich food: butter, eggs and milk. We eat them with caviar, mushrooms and sour cream. Maslenitsaalso includes masquerades, snowball fights, sledding, riding on swings and plenty of sleigh rides. There is usually a brightly dressed straw effigy of Lady Maslenitsa. The last day of Cheesefare week is called “Forgiveness Sunday” indicating the desire for God’s forgiveness that lies at the heart of the great lent. Bonfires will be lit and a straw effigy of Lady Maslenitsa will be burnt to say farewell to winter. The most positive moment is that if you visit this festival you will see the most beautiful side of Russian culture and people. Everyone will be in good mood and smiling. People are tired and happy.

My birthday
I was born on the 25th of July 1995. I celebrate my birthday every year but in a new place. Preparation starts on the 24th of July. I and my family clean the house and throw away unwanted things. My mother always cooks meals and special dishes. She also bakes a special tasty cake called “Cherepaha” (Tortoise) to share with family and friends on the big day. My father buys products and I help parents. On the day of birthday I always turn on music and invite friends and relatives to our house. We eat, dance and play festive games. I receive gifts and cards. Someone take pictures and everyone toasts. At the end of dinner mum turns off the lights and brings a cake. I blow out candles and everyone says “Happy birthday!” or “Many happy returns”! After that we watch a stunning fireworks display which is the icing on the cake.
Birthday is certainly a great celebration. I always feel happy, enthusiastic, excited and super to be with friends and family and I look forward to a good year full of success.

Anna Grigor’eva

Children's day
Every year on the first of June there is the day of children’s protection. This holiday raises money for local charities and the most needing children. Also there are concerts and other activities. You can get entertained and merry on those concerts. There are many entertaining competitions too. They include, for example, drawing on asphalt or singing songs. Besides, there are sports competitions as well. In squares you can see many colourful balloons and performances for children. In the evening there are huge fireworks displays.

My birthday
Birthday is a wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. I was born on the 23rd of August. August is a summer month and the weather is usually warm.
In the morning my parents come to my room to wish me happy birthday. Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. My mother bakes a cake or a pie. I make some salads. We have tasty dinner with the guests and at the end I blow out the candles. We play games, laugh, and tell jokes and funny stories. Everyone feels tired but happy! I think my birthday is the best day.

Nastya Bykova

I want to tell you about the festival under the name “The ball of Cinderella”. This festival is held every year in school-gymnasium N 6. Only girls participate in it. Organizers give them different tasks and competitions. Girls in turn show their talents. In the end audience chose the best Cinderella in their opinion.

My birthday
My favourite holiday is my birthday. I invite a lot of friends and cook a lot of tasty things. My last birthday party was on the 13th of July. It was summer and we went to the forest for a picnic. I invited 5 friends. We ate potatoes and fresh vegetables, danced and played different games. We made a fire and had a great fun. Then we went home and made a tea party with cakes, juice and sweets. Then me, my mother and friends went to the café “Madagaskar”. I will never forget that day!

Anna Shandrovskaya

Maslenitsa is a Russian traditional funny festival which tales place around the end of February and celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The whole week all the festival-goers eat pancakes which symbolize the sun. People eat pancakes with homey, butter, fish etc. At the end of the festival there is a big bon-fire to say good-bye to winter. People burn a scarecrow of winter on it.

My birthday
I was born on the 24th of January. This year I woke up early in the morning and was very happy. I helped mum to make some salads and lay the table. At 3 o’clock I dressed up. It was time to welcome my guests. The party was a great success. Everyone said that they enjoyed the party very much! Everyone felt pleased, happy and joyful!

Moon Festival by 62240Jessie, 62342Liz and 62565Shuchin

When is the holiday?

What the holiday is about?

What do we do on the holiday?

What food do we have on the holiday?

Why do we eat that food on the holiday?

By Brian 60502

Hi, I am Brian
I like to know:

1. Is your school clean and pretty?
2. Can you email your school's photograph to me?
3. Do you like your school? and how do you feel about it?

Thank you.

Festivals and special occasions from 9R Part 1

Maslenitsa is a fun festival. It takes place around the end of February and celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa lasts a week during which festival-goers eat pancakes which symbolize the sun. At the end of the week there is a big bon fire to say good bye to winter. I like this holiday very much. Besides I like to eat pancakes with sour-cream.

Birthday party is a unique type. Many boys and girls spend most of their time planning their parties – what theme to have, where to enjoy it and of course what to wear! Some parties are very informal. However everyone wants to remember this very special day. When I had my birthday party last I was excited. I had this special party at home. There was rich food, a photographer, flower arrangements, a special cake and much more. My friends gave me gifts and cards. I blew out candles. We ate food which was delicious. I’ll remember that day forever. My friends felt happy, enthusiastic, excited and cheerful.
Ponofidina Anna

New year.
In Russia we have a holiday which is very important for everyone. It is New Year. On this holiday we always decorate fur trees, eat special food and exchange presents. When the clock strikes midnight and the president gives us a special speech. After that we have a huge fireworks display. I like this holiday because it is a good chance to be with my family, friends and spend more happy time with them.

Shmidt Alexander

Two stars.

This funny festival takes place every winter. On this day in our gymnasium N 6 everyone comes to the assembly hall. Teachers and pupils participate in this competition. Teacher and students make a team. They show their talents on the stage. Winners are chosen by judges. It is a wonderful festival.

Birthday I was born on the 15th of June. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me.
Parents give me presents. I enjoy getting them. Most people have birthday party on this day.
This year I had my birthday party at home. My parents and I prepared for this day. We invited me friends and relatives to the party. I celebrated my birthday on Sunday. I got up early in the morning. My father and I went to the shop and market to buy everything we needed for the party. My mother stayed at home. She made cakes and laid the table. At four o’clock my relatives and friends came to congratulate me and I was glad to see them they brought presents: books, sweets, toys and many other things. We had good holiday dinner. During this merry party we sang songs, danced, made jokes and spoke about our life, hobbies and future.
I enjoyed my birthday very much.

Mel’nikova Ksenia

Knight tournament
This fun festival takes place every winter in February in gymnasium N 6. Only boys take part in this festival. Participants have the chance to wear carnival costumes. This festival of the fight also include music, dancing and colourful competitions. At the end of the festival the winner comes to light and takes the first place.

birthdayFor me my birthday is a special occasion. I was born on the 4th of July. In the morning on my birthday my parents lay presents near my bed. Usually we hold a birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a café to celebrate my birthday but usually we celebrate it at home. In the morning my father goes shopping and buys everything we need. My mother bakes cakes. I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get presents and flowers. We have dinner, sing songs, play games, tell funny stories. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.

Ryaposov Artem

Victory day
I would like to tell you about Victory day in Russia. This festival begins on the ninth of May. People in all towns and cities of Russia celebrate this festival. In all squares they have parades. In these parades soldiers and veterans of different wars march along the streets. Then soldiers begin their performance. In the evening people have fireworks display. This is traditional festival.

One of the most special occasions is the eighteenth birthday. Many young people wait this day very long! So they are happy when they are eighteen. Because when you are eighteen in Russia you can drive a car, have a house and live alone (without parents). This stunning festival is only once in your life! This is very famous festival in the world.

Dec 4, 2010


Hi! my name is Wendy. I am eleven years old this year. I like read and draw.

Dec 2, 2010

By Ms. Addington's students

Dear William:
It's all right that you don't ride roller coasters. Sometimes I get scared too. I also like your favorite song. I listen to it all the time. My favorite song is Revolution by the Beatles. I love rock and roll. The Beatles are also my favorite band. Hey! Did you know I have a twin? It means I have a brother who has the same birthday as me! I think it is crazy. My hobbies are to read and build with legos. They are cool building blocks that you can make ships and cars. I think they are really cool. It would be cool to meet you! Maybe we could Skype.

Dear Annie:
Hello, I can't believe that we both have dogs. What type of dog do you have? I have boxers. One is a girl and one is a boy. The boy's name is Zack and the girl's name is Shasta. I got Zack when I was 18 months and Shasta when I was 5 years old. I got them for Christmas and I love them so much. I hope to have them for ever.

Dear Jessie and Peggy:

Thank you for sending me those letters. It is ok that you don't want to be a teacher. Everyone is different and we can't all be the same. I also hope you like pets. I just think they are adorable. I don't have a pet but if I could I would have a puppy. I like puppies because they are so cuddly unlike my little sister. She looks cute but she really isn't. I am writing a speech to tell the truth about my sister. Everyone thinks she is cute and innocent but she really isn't. Ok enough about my sister, my favorite subject is reading. The book I'm reading right now is Sent. You would like this book because it is about an adventure. What do you like to read?
I hope to hear from you soon


1. 分組報告Russian holidays
* 分工合作?
2. 老師們給的回饋 on Chinese holidays and food
* 沒完成的同學, 暫時無法給回饋 Ex.: 未修改, 未加出處者
3. 下次報告其他組的作品(Chinese holidays and food)
* 用英文報告
* 改寫其他組的作品
* 工具介紹:同義字

Your favorite Russian Festivals